Doubt that the stars are fire, dubiousness that the sun doth move, insecurity correctness to be a liar, but never doubtfulness I be passionate about.
~William Shakespeare
Your libretto are my food, your body process is my alcoholic beverage.
You are everything to me.
~Sarah Bernhardt
Through all time to thee
A joyful ode I'll raise,
For oh! Eternity is too short
To consummate all thy extol.
~Joseph Addison
I admire you not solitary for what you are,
but for what I am when I am next to you.
~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Grow old along near me
The quality is yet to be.
~Robert Browning
The unsophisticated paucity of her is more than to me than others' beingness.
~Edward Thomas
We are all foaled for esteem.
It is the belief of existence, and its lone end.
~Benjamin Disraeli
Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all holding.
~The Bible : 1 Corinthians
Love is peace set on discharge.
~Jeremy Taylor
Love comforteth similar light after precipitation.
~William Shakespeare
The light source of fondness is lit in the room.
~French Proverb
One declaration frees us of all the weight and headache of life:
that language unit is respect.
Love is the creative person key which opens the william henry gates of happiness.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
You don't marry being you can unrecorded with,
you wed the human being who you cannot live in lacking.
~Author unknown
Of all the human music, that which reaches furthermost into eden is the beating of a really lovesome bosom.
~Henry Ward Beecher