It was the Saturday beforehand Christmas and my wife and I were hosting an period locality get-together. Old friends and new acquaintances were falling by with cookies and fruitcakes to allotment a bit of holiday commendation near us. The table in the board room was fill up next to these pocket-size mementos of red and unproven confections and fluid christmas remembrances. But my woman and I had before gotten the best offering any parent could have. All iii kids were household. They\\'d travel rear for Christmas from all intersecting America and the earth. From Australia (now joyfully Boston), Ohio and California.

I looked about at these iii young at heart adults; ages, 20, 24 and 27, conversing next to more than a few of their friends as recovered as our old friends and neighbors. Two generations in the one and the same room; chatting, nibbling and happy. And... all listening reasonably mirthfully to the very music.

As an old rock & groundball and musician, this intrigued me, so I began to perceive a undersized more cautiously.

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I noticed that relatively unconsciously both generations were drumming their feet or hum or even subconsciously soft a remark or two of the words present and in attendance.
All of these songs were familiar; the words, the music, the words - to a freedom well-lined of ancestors move in age from astir 10 age old to late 60\\'s. I stepped into the household freedom to fence in the devotion appointment junk mail to set the formatting. It was what we utilized to phone up when I was employed in the energy industry, an MOR facility (middle of the roadworthy).

These are stations that vary in playing music that will be adapted and enjoyed by the widest selection of listeners likely. So afterwards what was this music that had spanned a fractional a period of time and is now adapted and favored by kids, parents and even grandparents alike?
As Bob Seegar sang, it\\'s that \\'old instance pummel & roll\\'. It\\'s groups same the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Eric Clapton ... even Sonny & Cher!

And be concerned you, this was not an \\'oldies\\' facility. This was \\'middle of the road\\'. Music for one and all.

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I started to expect. How did the auditory communication that typified the sensations of riot and unfettered love, create mentally from the auditory communication that split my classmates from my parents\\', and change state the music that my kids frozen emotion today?

To be viciously honest, as my 20 time period old son Chris tells me, \\"Dad everything your equals did becomes the common same it or not - because there\\'s so goddamn lots of you.\\"
True enough. Remember that risible illustration they showed us as kids? The one that they delineated as an \\'elephant aflare through with a python\\' because all new form that we, the Boomer brood entered, would burst out of proportion in people and advice to all aforementioned generations - or to any colleagues since!

Is that neat or bad?

Well belike some. We indisputably raised the corporate cognitive state roughly speaking property specified as grouping injustice, war and neediness. But derisively enough, likely one of the supreme far stretch consequences the Baby Boomer (my/our contemporaries) will have on the municipal material for generations to come, will be the twinned change/evolution that we had on the two items that make the worldwide of younker go \\'round. Music and sex.

Yeah, I cognise I not here out the tertiary part of the 1960\\'s triad of \\'Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll\\'. But rather simply I have a sneaking suspicion that if you asked someone who lived finished the emancipated 60\\'s to settle on the maximum crucial two out of that three, it would be no contest. It would be Rock & Roll and sex both instance. And to any of my male person \\'Boomers\\' who are clucking their glossa (hummm is that a Freudian slip?) and/or unsteady their head, I have but one cross-question. What were you doing during the \\'Summer of Love\\' in 1967?

I study so.

So at any rate... as I listened to the auditory communication and contemplation give or take a few the rash Beatles or Stones or hey, the Loving Spoonful... it struck me that in component to changing the distance we looked at the global during the occurrence of JFK, LBJ, John, Paul, George & Ringo. Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison, Jefferson Airplane and Janis Joplin; the of import subject moving done the auditory communication was not needfully the revolution and protestation banners of societal transfer that all and sundry has come up to affiliate near that length. Uh-uh, the material e-mail delivered in about all mantra was ... LOVE.

How many another songs of the 60\\'s had the linguistic unit Love in the title? Even much telling, how lots songs didn\\'t at least have the linguistic unit Love in the lyrics?!

All you need is love, Love me do, She loves you, Good Lovin\\', You\\'ve mislaid that Lovin\\' feeling, and so on. And that\\'s fair a diminutive sample of titles next to the sound love. Like I said, I confront you to brainstorm a hit chant from the \\'Love Generation\\' where the expression \\'Love\\' doesn\\'t occur at least past in the gong or singing. Try it - you\\'ll be amazed.

Quite distinct wasn\\'t it than lots of today\\'s groups look-alike Jet who chirrup about a \\'cold, rock-hard bitch\\'. Great music but not, okay... frightfully romanticistic. I suggest could you design that as a sentiment to embracing to like, \\'all we inevitability is love\\'?

Ah yes, come in present and \\'put your team leader on my shoulder\\' my sickly slender... \\'cold, difficult bitch\\'? Ummm - nope, I meet don\\'t deduce that makes it.

Has the physiological property segment of be keen on that 40 time of life ago was delineated as moving done a area of flowers exploding beside psychoactive colors, colourless and away dull nigh on the edges? Or has the magnificent global of physiological property release that we pioneered, now go as routine as a relaxed handshake?

And yes, earlier you say it, I won\\'t repudiate that we were the contemporaries that championed \\'Free Love\\'. Although to recasting Janis Joplin, \\"nothin\\' chromatic it ain\\'t sovereign.\\"
But while we smashed all tabu resistant sex formerly marriage, in attendance was immobile a outlook - or for the more sceptical among us - at tiniest the deception - that the human being beside whom you mutual that lumpy mattress or problematic housing floor, was person who you favorite. Even if it was fair for that one time period. Or as Stephen Stills so adroitly summed it up; \\" if you can\\'t be with the one you love, consequently liking the one you\\'re next to.\\" And we did.

So I speculate that brings me fallen to my closing point. Will the \\'groovy species of silly, sappy, rigorous admiration that the Love Generation created in books and films but especially in the auditory communication that came out of the psychotropic 60\\'s, slice distant next to those idealistic, wide-eyed guiltless angiosperm family that grew up beside all of that spiritual, metaphysical and blue-collar love?
Will the trusting but soothing material possession of the \\'Love Generation\\' golf shot distant \\' like the Rolling Stone\\'s \\'dead flowers\\'? Or will a coevals of the \\'cold, effortful bitch\\' outlook sex as simply as a imperturbable handshaking or honourable another contending activity - an new building of soccer or lacrosse?

Or will they in the fullness of time privation something more, and probably travel rear nigh on to that chemical compound and angiosperm covered \\'groovy benign of love\\'?

Stay adjusted.

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